发布时间2022-11-16 所属分类:MAC地址申请mac地址段申请它属于申请的一串,而不是单个的mac地址。mac地址属于的段只能是4096个,1048576个,16777216个。想要申请的话可以咨询知倍客。从事这项工作六年了,国外的企业申请的也可以。
The IEEE Registration Authority will assign an additional OUI to any organization requesting one, providing they submit a letter on company letterhead to the IEEE Registration Authority c/o IEEE Standards Department, stating that their company will not “ship” product in the new block assignment until well after they have reached (shipped) at least 95% of the block assignment, in the context of a specified standard. Your company should ensure that large numbers of derived identifiers are not left unused.