发布时间2022-11-18 所属分类:MAC地址申请mac地址号申请数量分为三种:
一、MAC Address Block Small (MA-S),对应数量4096个,可以供4096个产品使用。MA-S is a 36-bit identifier that can be used to create various extended identifiers. It is most often used to create IEEE 802-defined MAC addresses (EUI-48 and EUI-64). The MA-S does not include assignment of an OUI.
二、MAC Address Block Medium (MA-M)对应数量1048576个,可以供1048576个产品使用。MA-M is a 28-bit identifier that can be used to create various extended identifiers. It is most often used to create IEEE 802-defined MAC addresses (EUI-48 and EUI-64). The MA-M does not include assignment of an OUI.
三、MAC Address Block Large (MA-L)对应数量16777216个,可以供16777216个产品使用。The OUI included in the MA-L assignment may be appended with 24 organization-supplied bits to form a EUI-48 or 40 organization-supplied bits to form an EUI-64.