发布时间2020-01-03 所属分类:MAC地址申请, 代理申请相信通信行业内很多人都与IEEE打过交道,IEEE网可以申请mac地址号段,有MA-S,MA-M,MA-L可以选择,mac地址号段数量分别是4096个,100万个,1600万个。其实IEEE网有很多的用途,mac地址申请只是其中一小部分。知倍客将介绍下IEEE机构申请其他方面的信息。
大家可以看到除了申请mac地址外还有Company ID、Ethertype、manufacturer ID、Logical Link Control (LLC)、URN、TDL、PSID等等,里面还有一些通信方面的标准可以下载,下面将先介绍下前面几个。
Company ID, like the OUI, is a unique 24-bit identifier. A CID though, cannot be used to generate universally unique MAC addresses. Therefore, the CID is especially applicable in applications where unique MAC addresses are not required. A CID should be applicable in most other cases where an OUI is specified. The CID has been created to reduce the consumption of OUI values.
Ethertype:The Ethertype provides a context for interpretation of the data field of an Ethernet/802.3™ data frame (protocol identification). Refer to IEEE Std 802.3, clause 3 and especially sub-clauses 3.1.1 and 3.2.6. See also IEEE Std 802® sub-clause 10.4.
manufacturer ID:Within a 64-bit section of the 1451.4 TEDS, called basic TEDS, the manufacturer of the transducer is defined with a 14-bit code called the manufacturer ID, along with manufacturer-assigned transducer model number, model letter, model version number and serial number.
Link Control (LLC):LLC protocol data units (PDUs) contain addressing information that consists of two fields; the Destination Service Access Point (DSAP) address field, and the Source Service Access Point (SSAP) address field. Each of these is an 8-bit field and made up of two components.