发布时间2017-09-07 所属分类:MAC地址申请不少人有这样的疑问:在IEEE购买mac地址后,IEEE是怎么发送MAC号段的呢?客户在我站代理购买mac地址后,IEEE会发个mac号段给我们客户,这个是MA-M100万号段的mac地址分配文件样板,客户信息和详细号段以及付款等信息已用*号屏蔽。我们申请mac地址2-3天可拿到号段。
Sep 6, 2017 ***********
Please take a moment to verify that the information contained in the company address area (above) is correct. If it is not entirely correct, please notify the IEEE Registration Authority (IEEE RA) immediately.
Following is the MAC Address Block Medium (MA-M) assignment that you have requested from the IEEE. Your MA-M assignment includes blocks of 48-bit Extended Unique Identifier (EUI -48) and 64-bit Extended Unique Identifier (EUI-64). EUI-48 and EUI-64 identifiers may be used as IEEE 802-defined MAC addresses of EUI length respectively.
The base value of your MA-M assignment may also be used to generate unique multicast addresses (per IEEE Std 802). This 28-bit identifier is unique to the assignee, but there is no definition of an OUI -28 identifier. The assignee of the MA-M cannot make any assumptions about the first 24 bits of the assigned 28 bits, and may not use those 24 bits as an OUI because that OUI is assigned to the IEEE Registration Authority for use in MA-M Assignments.
The user tutorials on our web site describe how the MA-S assignment can be used in conjunction with a number of standards and specifications. This assignment applies to all of these. The tutorials can be found on the web at:
Your MA-M assignment is:
28-bit Base Value
Issue date is:
Invoice Number:
EUI-48 Address Block
0-00-00 through F-FF-FF
Sep 6, 2017
It should be stressed that the IEEE Registration Authority has made every effort to ensure that the same numbers are not assigned to any other entity but does not guarantee that duplicate assignments have not occurred. We urge that a single, central administrative authority be established in your company to administer usage to avoid duplication of extended identifiers based on your assignment.
The IEEE Registration Authority will assign an additional address block to any company requesting one, providing they submit a letter to the IEEE Registration Authority stating that their company will not “ship” product in the new block assignment until well after they have reached (shipped) at least 95% of the original block assignment, in the context of a specified standard. Your company should ensure that large numbers of derived extended identifiers are not left unused.
Angela N. Thomas
IEEE Registration Authority
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway Township, NJ 08854-4141. USA * Phone: +1 732-465-6481 * Fax: +1 732-465-1571 *