USB VID申请成功案例
发布时间2021-01-06 所属分类:USB VID申请青岛一家企业产品使用到了USB功能,想像USBIF联盟申请一一个VID,寻求无果后通过网站找到了知倍客企业,在经过两天的沟通下来明确了企业的要求后,协助填写好 Vendor ID Form后正式与USBIF 联盟进行资料的初审。经过一系列的流程后申请已被受理。
If your company does not already have a Vendor ID number, your company must execute and return the Vendor ID form along with your USB-IF Trademark License Agreement. The Vendor ID is US$6,000. Please keep in mind that becoming a USB-IF Logo Licensee alone does not entitle your company to USB-IF membership benefits.
通过此网站文件可知受理后USB VID的规费为6000美金,看似比较贵,但是企业能够接受。因为VID是终身受用的并且是一次性收费,从长远的角度来说,青岛这家企业还是比较明智的,早申请早使用。
在这里要提醒的是申请VID这并不意味着您可以使用USB徽标。 该徽标只能与已通过USB-IF兼容性测试的产品一起使用。 行业供应商,渠道买家,PC OEM和消费者在寻找优质USB产品时会寻找它。 公司与产品一起显示USB徽标的要求是:
1.产品以该公司的名称列在“集成商列表”中。 这要求为公司分配一个USB供应商ID号。
As a reminder, this does not entitle you to use the USB logos. The logo may only be used in conjunction with products that have passed USB-IF compliance testing. Industry vendors, channel buyers, PC OEMs and consumers look for it when looking for quality USB products. The requirements for a company to display the USB logo in conjunction with its products are:
- The products must be listed on the Integrators List under that company’s name. This requires that the company be assigned a USB Vendor ID number.
- The company must execute the USB-IF Trademark License Agreement.